Sunday, February 27, 2011


bebas tak berantai
hidup tak bertuan
tiada tujuan,tiada tumpuan
masih sendirian,masih mengelamun
kalau masih khayal, bangun


Saturday, February 26, 2011


Baling baling guli sebenarnya seronok. Nak nak kalau dah dapat kumpul belambak lambak guli warna warni. They come in many size and shape. Like butt-on..

okay Bye ~

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Six Years and Counting.

This phone has been with me for the past 6 years. Hows that !
thank you bye..

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Permainan Rounders.

Recall balik zaman ketika aku di taman cheras utama memang banyak memories kat sana. Paling best time maen sports yang waktu tu memang tip top. Some of it are Rounders, Bola Sepak, Bola Cop, Konda Kondi, Kejar kejar, Baling baling Selipar dan banyak lah lagi senang cite. Paling yang aku minat Rounders.
Pembaca yang berminat nak tahu apa benda rounders tu sila lah continue baca..

First: Rounders memerlukan player lebih kurang 12 orang atau lebih. Apabila player semua dah cukup kena lah bahagikan sama rata. Maknanya satu team ada 6 orang (kalau maen 12 orang). Lagu2 nak pilih team "lat-ta-li-lat-ta-li-tam-plong" or  "dang dang tut ku-a-li we we / si-a-pa yang ken-tut di-a yang ke-ta-wa / da-lam bun-tut di-a a-da- a-sam ja-wa"..

Second: Lepas sudah membahagikan team, permainan ini memerlukan kayu pemukul (baseball bat pun boleh or just find a wooden plank) dan bola tenis dan juga kawasan yang luas seperti padang bola untuk bermain.

Third: Selepas itu boleh lah cari apa-apa untuk jadi "base".. biasa pakai selipar je. senang dan selesa berkaki ayam bila nak lari. haha. "base" disusun seperti dalam figure 3.0.

Fourth: Decide which team to start first. Toss a coin or 'oosom' (rock paper scissors). Team yang menang dulu dapat jadi "batter" (team yang memukul) dan yang kalah jadi "pitcher" (tukang baling bola) dan tangkap bola.

Fifth: Secara am nya 'pitcher' akan baling bola kat batter. 'Batter' akan cuba pukul bola itu sekuat yang boleh. Macam lepas geram juga lah. Figure 6.0 menunjukkan kedudukan 'pitcher' dan 'batter'.
Yang dotdot hitam tu team yang kena tangkap bola dan yang 'X' tu team yang memukul bola.

Sixth: The pitching team assigns one member to actually pitch, and 4 members to guard a base each. The remaining teammates take various positions in the field of play, ready to catch the ball that will be hit by the batter.

Seventh: Bila semua dah ready, permainan boleh dimulakan. 'pitcher' akan baling bola kat 'batter' yang pertama.
Eighth: 'Batter' mempunyai 3 peluang untuk memukul bola, dengan niat untuk memukul dengan jauh figure 8.0. Kalau "batter" gagal untuk memukul dalam tiga-tiga peluang itu maka 'batter' tersebut dikira 'out'.

Ninth: 'Batter' dapat je pukul bola, 'batter' perlu berlari mengikut 'base' yang telah disusun. Lari mengikut base yang pertama then lari yang kedua dan ketiga and finally yang keempat. Bila "batter" sampai je forth base, batting team scores 1 point.

Tenth: Bila bola telah dipukul, the pitching team tries it best to retrieve the ball, and throw the ball at the 'batter'. 'Batter' lari dan akan selamat kalau dia sempat berhenti kat 'base'. Kalau 'batter' tengah lari dan belum sampai mana-mana 'base' dan bola terkena 'batter', itu dikira mati (figure 10.0).

Eleventh: Tukar turn 'batter' laen pula. The game repeats from the eighth.
If the second batter manages to hit the ball, the both the first and second batters are allowed to run the base circuit.

Ketika permainan berlangsung, ramai 'batter' akan ada di padang and only one 'batter' is permitted per 'base'. If, for some odd reason, two batters try to take refuge at a single base, the last person to arrive at said base will remain vulnerable, and is liable to get hit "out" (see figure 11.0).

Twelveth: Kalau sesiapa dalam team 'pitcher' tangkap bola mid-air, sejurus bola dipukul, 'batter' tersebut akan dikira keluar walaupun dia sempat sampai ke 'base'.

Thirdteen: A round is considered over went all the batter are 'out'. the team then switch roles, and the game continue again from step fifth. You can agree on a set number of rounds, or play until recess is over/someone badly needs a break..

Thanks for your time. PEACE !

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

Fifty in One

Hi there ! Be sure not to miss this opportunity. This semester im gonna sell this snack bites chocolate cupcakes.


50 pieces in one box. Nice huh.. Homemade cupcakes. Who does want to try it right... Keep it inside the fridge yaa. One box will cost you ringgit malaysia " lima belas ". Do comment if you are interested..

Five Second Rule

Have you accidentally drop your food on the floor or ground? A couple of second after the food fell, you pick it up then you put it in your mouth and still feeling there is no harm in eating it.. Its called the 5 second rule. Once you drop it, if you dont want to waste it, its not a problem to pick it up then eat it. Just dont forget the 5 second rule... Below a simple illustration to demonstrate how it works.... Note: if there is a problem, find a doctor. not me. please and thank you :p. Rules were not meant to follow blindly.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tired lah...

selalu lari bila dirapat
selalu malu bila soalan diaju
selalu segan memberi pendapat
rela mengikut dari meneraju
belum nyanyi sudah bersorak
suka berjanji dalam bo

bukan kata tak ada otak
cuma tak berfikir diluar kotak.

- malique..

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Miss M

Shes the one who tell my class to make a blog. business blog. haha.
its cool though.. Nice meeting you miss.
and Blog please be nice. or i'll smack you in the face.. Grrr !